长沙网页设计_深圳建站公司_花都网站制作_徐汇网站建设 摘要


本设计主要实现集人性化、高效率、便捷等优点于一身的少儿编程网站 ,完成系统用户、资源管理、网站公告管理、编程资源、课程分类、课程信息、课程购买等功能模块。系统通过浏览器与服务器进行通信,实现数据的交互与变更。只需通过一台电脑,动动手指就可以操作系统,实现数据通信管理。整个系统的设计过程都充分考虑了数据的安全、稳定及可靠等问题,而且操作过程简单。本系统通过科学的管理方式、便捷的服务提高了工作效率,减少了数据存储上的错误和遗漏。

少儿编程网站使用Java语言,采用基于 MVVM模式的SSM技术进行开发,使用 VisualStudio 编译器编写,数据方面主要采用的是微软的MySQL关系型数据库来作为数据存储媒介,配合前台HTML+CSS 技术完成系统的开发。



With the advent of the Internet trend, all walks of life are considering using the Internet to promote themselves. The best way is to establish their own Internet system, and maintain and manage it. In practical application, the working rules and development steps of the application software are to use SSM technology to build children's programming website.

This design mainly realizes the children's programming website integrating the advantages of humanization, efficiency and convenience, and completes the system user, resource management, website announcement management, programming resources, course classification, course information, course purchase and other functional modules. The system communicates with the server through the browser to realize data interaction and change. You can operate the system by moving your fingers through a computer to realize data communication management. The design process of the whole system fully considers the safety, stability and reliability of data, and the operation process is simple. The system improves work efficiency and reduces errors and omissions in data storage through scientific management and convenient services.

The children's programming website uses Java language, uses SSM technology based on MVVM mode for development, and uses Visual Studio compiler to write. In terms of data, it mainly uses Microsoft's MySQL relational database as the data storage medium, and cooperates with the foreground HTML+CSS technology to complete the system development.

Keywords:SSM technology; MYSQL; Children's programming website






杜尔伯特;TKX 十堰网站制作公司宁波网站优化徐州建网站网站设计的公司宜昌seo重庆网站设计常德网站开发中文网站建设张家口seo网站制作公司排名物流网站建设绍兴seo郑州app定制开发公司保定网站建设公司物联网软件开发深圳做网站的营销网站定制温州网页设计程序开发外包永康网站优化大连网页设计做网站网络公司西安网站公司建设资阳网站优化物流网站建设网站建设策略怀化seo乐清网站建设公司石家庄建网站在线建站惠州软件开发


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